About Us imageAbout Us image
Message From Our Founder

Badlands Search and Rescue started in the spring of 2010 when I found a significant gap in SAR coverage east of Calgary. I spoke to people with Search and Rescue Alberta and found there was a definite need to fill this hole. I started to reach out to the communities at large and within short order (January 2011) we had a board developed and shortly after that a team. This core group of people was indispensable in the early years of our formation. Without them BSAR would not exist. We developed, trained and worked hard. In the spring of 2012 we became associate members of SARAB and the following year we became full members. We continued to train regularly and even were called out a couple of times to assist other SAR teams. 

In 2015, we began to go through a downshift in members as several people moved away and had significant changes in their life. Through the dedication of those that stayed with the team and through their encouragement we persevered and recruited a new group of over 15 people who are now fully trained to provide Ground Search & Rescue.

We have developed strong relationships with local SAR teams, especially Cochrane SAR (many thanks to Andy Potton) and with Foothills SAR. We have enjoyed the strong support of Calgary SAR with their generous gift of a Suburban early in our formation as well as receiving a command post from South Eastern Alberta SAR (Medicine Hat). Recently we acquired another Suburban from Didsbury SAR that we plan on utilizing as a Rapid Response Vehicle.

Through the dedication and commitment of our current team, I anticipate seeing BSAR continue to grow and expand in people, abilities, partnerships and resources.

Thank you
Scott Campbell. 

Donate imageDonate image
Donations help Badland Search and Rescue by keeping team members highly trained in the event of deployment, assist with the cost of materials and gas for the command post to arrive at the scene.

Email us at info@badlandsearchandrescue.com if you are interested in donating

Thank you to our sponsors:
Drumheller Citizens on Patrol
Drumheller Fish and Game
GPS Central
Strathmore Motor Products

  • Box 408, Rockyford, AB, T0J 2R0

For recruiting sessions please see our Announcements and Events section

Jay Livesey


Position Vacant

Vice President

Jessica Tory


Wes Grout


Bruce Stewart

Planning Director

Morgan Tory

Operations Director

Kelly Higgins

Asset Management Director

Elise Brown

Fundraising Director


SAR Alberta is please to unveil our new public awareness program “Distance-to-Assistance.

The purpose of this program is to highlight the need for awareness and planning when recreating and travelling in the backcountry, with emphasis on the length and time it may take for help to arrive.

 The  video created by Fireweed Creative Inc. with support from Sundre Search and Rescue is the first of a planned series of  videos that will present key messages from the  Distance-to-Assistance program.

Links to other Search and Rescue Teams in Alberta

Calgary Search and Rescue Association:               https://www.calsara.com/

Cochrane Search and Rescue Association:    http://cochranesearchandrescue.org/

Edmonton Regional Search and Rescue Association:        http://ersara.com/ 

Foothills Search and Rescue Association:               http://foothillssearchandrescue.com/

Search and Rescue Alberta:        https://saralberta.ca/

Search and Rescue Volunteer Association of Canada:      https://sarvac.ca/

Search and Rescue Dog Association of Alberta:                 http://www.sardaa.ca/

South Eastern Alberta Search and Rescue Association:    http://www.seasar.ca/

Helpful Resources 

Adventure Smart:   https://www.adventuresmart.ca/

Alberta Fire Bans:  https://www.albertafirebans.ca/

Baby It's Cold Outside:  https://bicorescue.com/

Back Country Safety:  https://www.albertaparks.ca/parks/kananaskis/kananaskis-country/advisories-public-safety/backcountry-safety/

Bear Smart:  https://www.albertaparks.ca/parks/kananaskis/kananaskis-country/advisories-public-safety/wildlife/be-bear-smart/

Camping Essentials List:   http://www.campingessentialslist.com/

Canadian Red Cross:   https://www.redcross.ca/

Car Survival kits:  https://www.redcross.org/store/winter-auto-survival-kit/54894.html#start=2&cgid=preparedness

Cougar/ Elk Smart:  https://www.albertaparks.ca/parks/kananaskis/kananaskis-country/advisories-public-safety/wildlife/be-cougar-alert-elk-wary/